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In 2001, the founders chose the name GALLILEO. This name reflects part of the identity and the spirit of the company : GALLILEO Business Consulting is based on the belief that observation and research are the source of strategic decisions.
Thanks to his observations, he became famous for doubting Aristotle's conception of the universe and for highlighting Copernicus’ thought: « and yet it moves... ».
He is considered as the father of astronomical observations.
Observing and basing our understanding on facts, in order to further knowledge, despite criticism and existent theories.
Today, our position on research and consulting markets meets this ambition. We are at the heart of your target markets, amongst your clients, and we build tools and methods to provide you with reliable sources of business development and marketing information, and with an analysis that leads to relevant strategic and operational recommendations.
Whereas most consulting companies try to intervene in their clients’ organization using mainstream processes and theories, our action consists of observing your target markets and understanding the expectations of your clients and the ambitions of other players in your field.
Whereas some companies distinguish market research and consulting, our belief is that observation is the first stage of counselling and that consulting can only be the result of effective observation.
GALLILEO Business Consulting is a company at the cutting edge of market research and strategic consulting.